Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Coleman's First Law of Medicine: New Symptoms are caused by Treatment yo...


From a draft

  1. Between 1964-1967, while visiting Soviet hospitals, it was clear to me that doctors tried their best to kick patients out of hospitals as soon as medically possible, and to achieve that Communist goal they provided their patients the best of treatments and healing opportunities by also providing them with huge expanse of forest around the hospitals for their daily stroll instead of staying in infected hospital wards all day and night long!
  2. Western Capitalism has institutionalised at two types of medicine, one, the best, for the wealthy, and the second for the sheeple (Zombie) tax payers making both of them happy!
  3. Criminal medical negligence exists in both Communist and Capitalist medical practices.  I had my appendix removed in Stavropol with a “wrong diagnosis”.  After surgery I ran away from the hospital after a hunger strike after I learned that they were using me as a guinea pig for students in medicine. I heard Dr. Ibrahim Cassimovitch, managing the ward, say: Let him fast; we will worry only after the sixth day.  We hated and always made fun of stomatologists although they were better than Western dentists, dentologists who made sure you ended up losing all your teeth after making the maximum of money for the industry!  Any minor or major part of your body that is removed for no good reason is a criminal act.
  4. I witnessed Western pseudo-West, pseudo-medicine, pseudo-science, pseudo-news, pseudo-medicine, pseudo-education, pseudo-human rights, pseudo-equality, pseudo-justice, pseudo-freedom, pseudo-morality, pseudo-truths, pseudo-food, pseudo-safe drinking water, etc., all my life.
  5. I did not need a PhD, as likes to say universal Carribean Sheikh Imran Nazar Husein, to see that new damaging symptoms appearing in perfectly healthy and unhealthy jabbed (fake-vaccinated) humans, young and old, are the direct result of the jab minutes or just a few days after the damaging attacks with untested biological weapons injections that used to kill their animal guinea pigs!
  6. I witnessed Chemists selling deadly agents prescribed or not prescribed by doctors.  I saw agents visiting those shelves regularly as they are the ones filling them with often deadly, damaging, useless, with fashionable attractive names exactly as they do in the clothing and near-to-naked-clothing industry, mainly Jewish in Parisian fashion.  Damaged brains always buy names out of fashion not science!   
  7.  Since I landed in London in 1997, I was sent 10 times more than when I lived in Colchester for testing, screening, checkups or whatever, with the testers and screeners hiding themselves from the deadly x-rays (death or damaging rays) with negative results 99% (100%) of the time.  But, here again is the proof that testing is a scam, but very lucrative for them! They wasted my time for no treatment at all!  At Guy’s Hospital, they insisted over and over again that I was suffering from asthma, but I too insisted that this was not true. Finally, they “invited” me to sign documents to allow them to use me as a guinea pig, and I adamantly refused.  They discharged me as not having asthma, with zero treatment, of course!  My “doctors” loved prescribing me with inhalers as they do for children and even babies!  I informed them of my own infallible diagnosis insisting that I suffer from a diminished pulmonary breathing capability since my college days being born on a plateau in a humid climate that prevented me from joining the choir and singing something I always dreamt of doing, but it did not affect my speech at all!  My students used to love my speech and handwriting!
  8.  I was prescribed tons of tablets for nearly a decade for a toe nail fungal infection that they never cured.  Then, they had my toe nail removed, and it came back as infected as always.  Then, they re-started the medication that never worked before!  They call this shit medicine!
  9. I taught my students how to reach a proper diagnosis of any DIS EASE! But, doctors do not treat according to the observed clinical aspects and diagnosis, but according to the orders they receive from Bigpharma!  I always stress natural healing to start with.  But, pseudo-science and pseudo-doctors have banned natural medicine in favour of Big Business Pharmacological Industry that has little to do with healing and with damaging side effects!
  10. Doctors are vampires, parasites, liars, criminals, never to be trusted unless the patients and their trustworthy and well informed family and friends say any particular one of them can be trusted!
  11. Islam and philosophy of the Ancient Wise taught me that we are all interconnected, our body parts, our different biological types, our beliefs in common values, ethics, and can be easily explained when we admit we have One Orderly Creator, not a stupid one!  I have seen Doctors regularly treating the symptoms rather than the cause (like my toe nail fungal infection) and claiming our health is independent of Nature, but will remain dependent forver on Big Pharma and all their lucrative businesses including that of cosmetics.
  12. All along pseudo-science and pseudo-doctors are claiming a monopoly on health and indicating that there is no such Creator God, or that He is simply a Cretin, and the soul simply does not exist or that there exists no invisible forces that can affect us except COVID-19!
  13. The rulers of the world have made Doctors into Gods, Infallible Popes, and now into mass killers with their deadly laboratory engineered biological weapons they call viruses, vaccines, testing, mutants, variants, etc. No matter which name they come up with, we are always cheated!  Today, they are paid doing next to nothing!  But, their abortion clinics are full!  We need to be controlled, checked up, and locked up and down, under house arrest, forbidden to breathe oxygen with their damn toxic masks; to move freely in the fresh air, on beaches, to swim in lakes and oceans. 
  14. All scientists, doctors, and healers have to be hunted down, shot at, persecuted, ostracised, see their livelihood destroyed, if they dare object or harm Totalitarian Fascist Big HARMA!
  15. While we concentrate on the criminal side of hospitals, surgeries, doctors and nurses, nutritionists and dieticians too are thriving on miracle solutions as unquestionable religious dogmas.  
  16. The Modern Bolsheviks do not want to see God, not even in the primate sphere anymore, unless the foolish believers obey their ukaz, their Tsarist and Communist dictates!  And they want their Trinitarian Gods to be the sole controllers of everybody and the entire world: Corporations, the Governments they own and control, and the Industries they run in all domains, including the medical and teaching professions.  All of them exist to enrich themselves at the expenses of the masses, often with their own consent!
  17. How can we make humans understand anything about moral and healthy living when most of us love and prosper on the misery of others?  When we are happy with a Totalitarian Fascist and Godless Government; with taking drugs, alcohol, nicotine, teachers who rarely teach, doctors who rarely cures, gambling, corporate sports, racing animals and cars, savage boxing, prostitution, pornography, paedophilia, sex trafficking, abortion, nakedness displays, selling their labour as prostitutes, consuming garbage in all kinds of forms, including pharmaceuticals, fashion, racism, tribalism, genocidal wars, human suffering worldwide, terrorism of the mighty against the defenceless, including our own children and babies, transsexual and the LGBTQRSTUVWYZ onslaught, and  religions and politics that peddle lies, lies, and lies?
  18. What can we expect when we allow our own governments and media peddle the extinction of the male species by claiming that men are nothing more than “genetically modified women” and “we do not need them – men - anymore” (Bryan Sykes of the shit Guardian rag of 28 August 2003); and that all of us macro-evolved from apes or the rock , and when we give them the power to destroy us all, except the Elite, of course?
  19. Our ancient wise men and women were better physical and spiritual healers and natural producers of their own kind without the help of modern medical doctors holding Freemasonic grades!
  20. Muhammad Asad’s translation of the Holy Qur’aan, Chapter 2 The Golden Calf Sign 30: “AND LO! Thy Sustainer said unto the angels: "Behold, I am about to establish upon earth one who shall inherit it." They said: "Wilt Thou place on it such as will spread corruption thereon and shed blood - whereas it is we who extol Thy limitless glory, and praise Thee, and hallow Thy name?" [God] answered: "Verily, I know that which you do not know.".  Forget about God “passing the buck”, but it was made very clear by the Angels that humans would spread corruption on Earth and shed blood, which God did not deny, but He said ONE WILL INHERIT IT (THE EARTH)!  It was up to us to find out who was that one, but when all the evidence points to the ONE and only ONE percent ELITE (1%) that owns the entire Earth and its inhabitants, including all its air, water, and energy supply, and NOT US, what do we do?  We bow down to them and worship them because both our Biology and Anima (soul, spirit...) are completely messed up!


Saturday, 19 June 2021


Sarah Amanda, Mother of Three.


Shaila Drishtika, Mother of Two - Kenji & Kaito.

Kenji & Layana from different Mothers



BAFS - Kaamilah, Cédric, Amanda, Jumaymah, Aïshah, Layana & Zuri And the Waltz of Life Goes On.


9 Jul 2015
198 subscribers
Basheer Ahmad Frémaux-Soormally & Kaamilah bint Qadar (Kate Bates ) and our four grand daughters: 
Jumaymah, Aïshah, Layana and Zuri. 
My dearest and beloved wife Kaamilah 
As salaamu 'alaykum! 
I want to make sure that you are aware that I know how taxing it is for you to cope with Baby Zuri and with family and domestic life in general as it has always been and still is for me although to a far lesser degree. Every day I think of my death, but I take much pleasure in every single day Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allows me to stay alive not for myself but in order to be helpful to those I love even if, in general, there is so much inhumanity, dishonesty, ungratefulness, dishonesty, selfishness, and lack of support for our old age from even those we have sacrificed everything. 
But, let us not despair and still serve with love and dedication as best we can before it is our turn to go for good and it is much sooner than we think or hope. Despite all its deceptions, life was worth living and I hope I have fulfilled my promises to my loved ones as well as to you to the best of my abilities. May Allah bless you as well as all our loved ones ! 
With much love and there is no true love without sacrifice. Your loving, faithful and loyal husband . 
9th of July 2015 
 P.S. A few years later, my Sweetheart told me she made a mistake when she told her shrink that she had fallen in love with me because she was on psychotropic drugs!  And she split abandoning all our grandchildren except her one!
Background music: And The Waltz Goes On composed by Anthony Hopkins and conducted by André Rieu {Sent to me by my niece Rubina}
17 dislikes and not a single commentary!  How cowardly!
What is there to dislike in this video? But, I know why you cowards do that. You cannot digest why I write on  some websites or on Youtube, so you check on here and have some fun with your down thumbing to relieve your paranoia! 
Anyway, just like I do not like likoholics and likomaniacs, I despise dislikoholics and dislikomaniacs when they have nothing meaningful to say. 
After I finish bothering the Illuminat, the racists, the Sayanim and the Fascists of all kinds, and, when necessary, the Atheist and religious bigots, zealots and fanatics, I am busy enjoying life! I just had to remove a complimentary 'comment' by a "pseudonym", which I do not welcome, but mainly because of a swear word. It is sad because it is the only comment I saw here and it was not wicked! BAFS
YOUTUBE Thank you for fixing the shaky video  
My Last Testament  Volume 1
I am not afraid of and do not mind at all what other Earthlings think, say or write about me, as they will never catch me telling a lie (deliberately) or stealing one penny or anything from anybody, and I am not here to show off as a Hedonist and a Narcissist, but to be a reminder and an example for those honest human beings who really care.  
This Holy month of Ramadan (Fasting) has taught me so much and prepared me to leave this life and earth with a peaceful mind and soul as I have done my very best to serve my loved ones as well as total strangers, humans and non humans alike.  
My dust will rest in peace for ever (as long as this earth lasts!) but I will be no more! I do not believe in any heavenly hell or Paradise (my reading and understanding of past wisdom is different and at a different level) and  I have already known both of them right here on Earth.  

Rabiah, my Blessed Mother of Eleven Children!


My French Sweetheart Wife Sylviane Paulette Garnier




000 Pour vivre ensemble il faut savoir aimer FRIDA BOCARRA 30JUNE2020

Premiered on 1 Jul 2020
198 subscribers
280 views •12 Jan 2016 
181 subscribers 
Tuesday 12th of January 2016 
New Text 
Dedicated to Aïsha Frémaux-Soormally

"Today, I was requested to remove a couple of photographs from this slide show, and I was adamant I would not as this would affect the truth, but a few minutes later I decided to remove them, and start a new one because I am a wonderful, and very loving and generous father and grandfather although not appreciated at all except by the very little ones!" 
Новый текст, посвященный Айше Фремо-Суормально 
"Сегодня меня попросили удалить пару фотографий из этого слайд-шоу, и я был непреклонен, что не буду, так как это повлияет на правду, но через несколько минут я решил удалить их и начать новую, потому что я замечательный, очень любящий и щедрый отец и дедушка, хотя и не ценю их вообще, кроме самых маленьких!" 
Tuesday 30th of June COVID 2020 (4 years later!) 
Danielle Frida Hélène Boccara Даниэль Фрида Элен Боккара POUR VIVRE ENSEMBLE, IL FAUT SAVOIR AIMER 1971 
Pour vivre ensemble il faut savoir aimer 
To live together one must know how to love 
Чтобы жить вместе, нужно уметь любить 
Et ne rien prendre que l'on ait donné 
Take nothing that we have not given 
И не брать ничего, что не дали 
Deux amants dans la nuit, et le jour deux amis 
Two lovers in the night, and during the day two friends 
Два любовника ночью, а днëм два друга 
Voilà comment on s'aime pour la vie 
This is how we love for life 
Вот как мы любим друг друга на всю жизнь 
Pour vivre ensemble il faut ouvrir son cœur 
To live together one must open his (her) heart 
Чтобы жить вместе, нужно открыть своë сердце 
Au sourire d'un enfant ou d'une fleur 
At the smile of a child or a flower 
К улыбке ребëнка или цветка 
Il faut ensoleiller ce monde émerveillé 
One must enlighten this fascinating world 
Мы должны солнечно этот изумленный мир 
Pour vivre ensemble il faut s'aimer 
To live together one must love each other Чтобы жить вместе, нужно любить друг друга 
Je te regarde, et je te garde, et tout s'éclaire 
I look at you, and I keep you, and everything lightens up 
Я смотрю на тебя и держу тебя, и все светлеет 
L'ombre se change en lumière 
The shadow changes into light 
Тень превращается в свет 
Je te vois vivre, je me sens libre, et je le chante 
I see you live, I feel free, and I sing 
Я вижу, как ты живëшь, я чувствую себя свободным, и я пою это 
Le reste est sans importance 
The rest is unimportant 
Остальное не имеет значения 
Pour vivre ensemble il faut savoir aimer 
To live together one must know how to love 
Чтобы жить вместе, нужно уметь любить 
Et ne rien prendre que l'on ait donné 
Take nothing that we have not given 
И не брать ничего, что не дали 
Deux amants dans la nuit, et le jour deux amis 
Two lovers in the night, and during the day two friends 
Два любовника ночью, а днëм два друга 
Voilà comment on s'aime pour la vie 
This is how we love each other for life 
Вот как мы любим друг друга на всю жизнь 
Pour vivre ensemble il faut trouver le port 
To live together one must find the port 
Чтобы жить вместе, нужно найти порт 
Où les bateaux viennent verser de l'or 
Where ships come pouring their gold 
Где корабли приходят, чтобы залить золото 
Il faut se marier à tous les mois de mai 
One must get married every May month 
Жениться надо каждый май месяц 
Pour vivre ensemble il faut s'aimer 
To live together one must love each other 
Чтобы жить вместе, нужно любить друг друга
(La la la la, la la la la la la - La la la la, la la la la la la) 
(Ла ла ла ла - Ла ла ла ла ла ла, Ла ла ла ла Ла ла ла ла ла ла) 
Il faut se marier à tous les mois de mai 
One must get married every May month 
Жениться надо каждый май месяц 
Pour vivre ensemble il faut s'aimer ! 
To live together one must love each other 
Чтобы жить вместе, нужно любить друг друга


 Aishah Rosalie, a YOUNG Revert to Islam, alhamdulillah!