Sunday, 8 September 2013



By Kathaleen Kaamilah Bint Qadar

Arabic Sadaqah صدقة
Hebrew S’daqah (Tzedakah) צדקה
(Hebrew comes from a mixture of Arabic, Palestinian Canaanite and Phoenician)

Christian charity to a White Christian “Street Arab” – a White European “Ishmaelite” from the book “Street Arabs and Gutter Snipes” 1884 – Needham, George Carter 1840-1902

“This book is a plea on behalf of neglected and destitute children, found chiefly in our great cities, and too often educated in crime by unnatural parents or vicious guardians; or who, through the stress of circumstances, are forced into a course of life which tends to the multiplication of criminals and the increase of the dangerous classes.”

Did you know a smile is sadaq?  It costs us nothing to be kind to each other.  Altruistic people are very rare.  Everyone expects to be paid these days; maybe that explains some of the problems of our urban blues.   

But, it is useless to blame the parents or guardians when the whole system of government is totalitarian (pseudo-democracy) and geared to profit a parasitic, ruthless, heartless and Godless Elite and to impoverish the masses more and more, intellectually, economically and spiritually. To achieve total decadence, religion and God had to be removed from our public institutions and from our daily public life.

Imâm Amin Ahsan Islahi (1904–1997) was a Hindustani/Pakistani scholar famous for
his Urdu exegeses of the Holy Qur’ân.  In his Tadabbur-i-Qur’an — an exegesis that he
based on Hamiduddin Farahi's (1863–1930) idea of thematic and structural coherence in
the Holy Qur’ân, he states as ‘quoted’ online in “Understanding Islam”:
"Sadaq's real meaning is that something is exactly appropriate. Its essence is firmness of
spirit and being solid. The ropes tied to a spear not only appear strong but when tested
are also strong; that spear in Arabic is called Sadaq al kaoub. The tongue is in harmony
with the heart and there is complete rapport between action and words.  The inside of a
person is a replica of his outer being, and belief and deeds are in complete agreement.
These things represent Sadaq and the entire being stands out shinning because of it. If
this is not there then there is no meaning to humanity….” 
Sadaqah - Arabic صدقة
S’daqah - Hebrew צדקה
In Arabic, Sadiq means friend, truth.  
In Psalm 11.7, God is morally right "sadiq", and He (God) loves morally right things
Psalm 33.5 says: "He (God) loves moral rightness and right judgment "sedaqah" 
In Islam, Sadaqah or Saddka (plural Sadaqaat) by both man and woman is a pure, 
gratuitous and voluntary, friendly and loving act of giving or “charity” (contrary
to compulsory public domestic charity or Zakaah - alms or social welfare tax for
those who can afford it, and foreign charity only if necessary and if the domestic
needs have been fulfilled) for the sake of and out of love for Allah at any time
and not expecting any reward in return from the person helped.  
It is said in the Ahadiith (Traditions) that Sadaqah, including on behalf of the
deceased, extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.  Sadaqah is said to purify
the body and the soul and the recommendation is to give Sadaqah without delay and
the deserving ones should not beg for it.
It extends to an act of charity as a sign of gratitude to Allah for all His bounties, for “every joint of the body”, for everything that makes us function healthily and in harmony with our environment and with each other. It is said in the Holy Qur’ân that Sadaqah is a beautiful loan made to Allah that Allah will repay us manifold. 


1.     A smile is Sadaqah
2.     To judge justly between two persons is Sadaqah
3.     To help a person loading his belongings on a means of transport (or mount) is Sadaqah
4.     To help a person riding his or her mount is Sadaqah
5.     Saying a good word is Sadaqah
6.     Every step taken on one's way to offer the compulsory Salaat is Sadaqah
7.     To remove a harmful object from the pathway is Sadaqah
8.     To declare the Glory of Allah is Sadaqah
9.     To declare the Unicity of Allah is Sadaqah
10. To enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil is Sadaqah
11.  T o help the orphan is Sadaqah
12.  To feed the indigent and the traveller is Sadaqah
13.  To perform Salaat is Sadaqah
14.   To help one’s neighbour is Sadaqah
15.   To spend in charity out of the substance which Allah has bestowed upon us is Sadaqah.
16.  To feed the captives and treat them well is Sadaqah
17.  To treat his or her spouse well is Sadaqah
18.  To treat parents well is Sadaqah
19.  To acquire useful knowledge is Sadaqah
20. To dress decently is Sadaqah

In short, any good and righteous deed, whether hidden or in the open, is Sadaqah. “This concept encompasses any act of giving out of compassion, love, friendship (fraternity), religious duty or generosity.”  Giving and setting the example of a righteous Believer is Sadaqah. 

Islamic Sadaqah has greatly improved on the Hebrew S’daqah or Sedaqah, but is unlike Christian Charity (Charité, Caritas), which originally meant preciousness, dearness, high price.  The Sumerian, Greek and Roman Gods being known as amoral entities are said to have had no concept of Abrahamic or Islamic Sadaqah.  However, all three “Semitic” religious traditions recommend their followers to help those less fortunate whether voluntarily or as an obligation.  

In Judaism, this is an obligation and it is called sedaqah (tzedakah) which is based on the Hebrew word (Tzedek) meaning righteousness, fairness or justice.

(It is to be noted that the Hebrew language comes from a mixture of Arabic, Palestinian Canaanite and Phoenician.  Arabic existed a long time well before Hebrew.)

Mosheh ben Maimon called Moses Maimonides is also known as Mūsā ibn Maymūn, or RaMBaM.  He was born in Cordoba, Islamic Spain, in 1135, and he died in Egypt on 12 December 1204.  He was heavily influenced by Islam and Muslims.  He was a Rabbi, physician and philosopher in Morocco and Egypt.  He lists his Eight Levels of Giving, as written in his Mishneh Torah (Sefer Yad HaHazaka - not to be confused with Deuteronomy), Hilkhot matanot aniyim ("Laws about Giving to Poor People"), Chapter 10:7-14:

1.     Giving an interest-free loan to a person in need; forming a partnership with a person in need; giving a grant to a person in need; finding a job for a person in need; so long as that loan, grant, partnership, or job results in the person no longer living by relying upon others.
2.     Giving tzedakah anonymously to an unknown recipient via a person (or public fund) which is trustworthy, wise, and can perform acts of tzedakah with your money in a most impeccable fashion.
3.     Giving tzedakah anonymously to a known recipient.
4.     Giving tzedakah publicly to an unknown recipient.
5.     Giving tzedakah before being asked.
6.     Giving adequately after being asked.
7.     Giving willingly, but inadequately.
8.     Giving "in sadness" (giving out of pity): It is thought that Maimonides was referring to giving because of the sad feelings one might have in seeing people in need (as opposed to giving because it is a religious obligation). Other translations say "Giving unwillingly."

The expression “Sadaq Allah ul Aziim” recited or said at the end of a Qurânic recitation means “God Almighty speaks the truth.”

N.B.  Muslims must beware of organisations or professionals who lure them into giving “Sadaqah” to them for the wrong reasons when they are neither accountable nor the legitimate representatives of the community or communities from whom the “Sadaqah” (money) is being asked for very often for political and selfish reasons, and obtained dishonestly.  Most of the time those so-called “charitable” Muslim organisations or individuals are collaborating with the same governments of Kufr that are oppressing and murdering Muslims by the millions, stealing their wealth, enslaving them, and destroying their way of life, culture and traditions (for whom the “Sadaqah” is allegedly destined) and blaspheming Islam and vilifying Muslims and the Prophets.  English “Charity” organisations are run or controlled by the Zionist Oligarchy.  The Red Cross is itself a Rothschild institution working hand in hand with the oligarchs. 

 Kaamilah  Bint Qadar 
Sunday 8th September 2013
Frémaux-Soormally Academy

Jeûner trois jours renouvelle totalement le système immunitaire

To eat or not to eat? daniellehelm via Flickr CC License by
To eat or not to eat? daniellehelm via Flickr CC License by

Des chercheurs d'une équipe de l'Université de Californie du sud (USC) affirment avoir trouvé le moyen de contraindre le corps humain à se régénérer. Une découverte annoncée comme «capitale». Jeûner pendant 72 heures peut permettre de reconstruire l’ensemble du système immunitaire même chez les personnes âgées ou gravement malades telle est la conclusion de cette nouvelle étude scientifique.

Si jeûner est considéré comme néfaste pour l’organisme par les nutritionnistes, priver le corps de nourriture pendant trois jours contraindrait ensuite la moelle osseuse à produire de grandes quantités de globules blancs qui combattent les infections. Cette découverte peut être particulièrement utile aux malades dont le système immunitaire a été affaibli, par exemple les cancéreux traités par des chimiothérapies.
Selon les chercheurs d’USC, jeûner lance un processus de régénération. «Cela donne le feu vert à la moelle osseuse pour reconstruire l’ensemble du système immunitaire» explique Valter Longo, professeur de gérontologie et de biologie à l’Université de Californie du sud. «Et la bonne nouvelle est que le corps se débarrasse des parties du système immunitaire abîmées ou âgées et inefficaces, pendant le jeun. Et si vous partez d’un système fortement endommagé par une chimiothérapie ou le vieillissement, les cycles de jeûne peuvent permettre de  créer, littéralement, un nouveau système immunitaire».
Les jeûnes prolongés contraignent en fait le corps à consommer ces réserves de glucoses et de graisses mais aussi détruisent une proportion importante des globules blancs. «Quand vous vous privez de nourriture, le corps essaye d’économiser l’énergie dépensée et pour cela recycle un grand nombre de cellules du système immunitaire qui ne sont pas indispensables, notamment celles qui sont abimées». Ainsi, pendant le jeûne, le nombre de globules blancs baisse fortement et augmente rapidement quand la personne s’alimente à nouveau. Le jeûne a aussi un autre effet bénéfique, il réduit la présence dans le corps de l’enzyme PKA qui est liée au vieillissement et augmente les risques de cancer et de croissance des tumeurs.

«Il n’y a pas de preuve que jeûner soit dangereux mais il y a de grandes preuves que ce soit bénéfique», résume Valter Longo.

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