Friday, 26 January 2024

Michael Hoffman - Lynching White People in Montana

Michael Hoffman's Revelation of the Method

 Lynching White People in Montana

A Politically Incorrect History Rescued from Oblivion

Readers are strongly cautioned: some of the accompanying photos of the victims of lynchings herein are graphic. Reading time is approximately 75 minutes.

Preface: This is an extensive study, given that it requires exposition necessary to document what has been, thus far, terra incognita: the mostly consequence-free lynching of white people as a form of institutional terror perpetrated by their kinsmen in the ruling class.

Beginning in the mid-19th century, Montana territory was coveted by men who sought its superintendency in order to establish a monopoly over its abundant natural resources. The instrument of their power was a secret society framework akin to the Freemasons, whose lodges dotted the towns of the Old West with the virulence of a contagion.

It has been this writer’s contention since the publication of They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America, that the Caucasian power class has largely had no use for the Caucasian working class, except as cannon fodder in its fratricidal wars, serfs in its factories, and consumers of its junk food, cigarettes, liquor, polluted air and water, mendacious mass media and loanshark banking.

In the post Civil War South this took the form of “divide-and-conquer,” by sowing division between black and white workers and using the memory of the Confederacy and its defiance of Federal power as the spear point of the operation.

Personally, I would have had no problem with secession if the Confederacy had freed the black slaves as its first order of business, granted them full citizenship, compensated them with land and money for their past invaluable labor, and assisted in their training and education. Instead, the heavily oppressed poor whites of the South, reduced to poverty by having to compete with black slave labor, were inveigled into identifying with their oppressors among the owners of the plantation system.

Adam Hochschild recounts one chapter in the history of this tricknology:

“The United Daughters of the Confederacy and its male counterpart, the United Confederate Veterans, were both dominated by the plantation owners who after the war had managed to hold on to their land or used landed wealth to gain power in the business world. It is no accident that the men’s group sprang into life in 1889 and the women’s in 1894. That was an era of nationwide labor unrest, which reached the South when Black and White dockworkers, streetcar drivers, and other union members in New Orleans walked off the job together in a surprisingly successful general strike in 1892.

“This period also saw the dramatic rise of the People’s Party, better known as the Populists. To the horror of groups like the Daughters, it won 8.5 percent of the popular vote in the 1892 presidential election by railing against plutocracy.

“The Populists were above all the voice of the country’s indebted small farmers. Their moment on the national stage would be short, but the alliances that White Populists forged with Blacks and organized labor were particularly alarming to the Southern elite.

“When a coalition of this sort briefly took control of North Carolina in the mid-1890s, for instance, the number of Black magistrates and other officeholders soared. The legislature repealed restrictions on voting, capped banks’ interest rates, imposed tougher regulations on railroads…

“This was the only state government ever controlled by such a coalition, but for the ruling families of the South it was as horrifying as another invasion by the Union Army. To make sure it would never happen again, Southern states swiftly passed poll taxes, literacy tests, and other measures that dramatically slashed the number of Black—and poor White—voters.

“More violently, the Southern elite inflamed the White racism that had made the Black–White Populist alliance uneasy and fragile to begin with. Nowhere was that alliance crushed more viciously than in Wilmington, North Carolina, which was governed since an 1897 municipal election by a biracial coalition that included Populists.

“On November 10, 1898, thousands of White men swept through town on a murder spree, burning the office of a Black newspaper, forcing both Black and White city officials to flee, and leaving at least sixty Black people dead. Three years later the United Daughters of the Confederacy chose Wilmington as the site of its annual convention…” (New York Review of Books, December 7, 2023, p. 25, italics added).

The Populist Party Platform of 1892 is worthy of study. It helps to dispel the contemporary Right-wing’s candy-coated presentation of our nation’s history, which consistently obscures the role of the Money Power in the oppression of the American people. Here’s an excerpt:

“Silver, which has been accepted as coin since the dawn of history, has been demonetized…the supply of currency is purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bankrupt enterprise, and enslave industry. A vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on two continents, and it is rapidly taking possession of the world…

“…They (the Republicans and the Democrats) have agreed together to ignore, in the coming (1892 presidential) campaign, every issue but one. They propose to drown the outcries of a plundered people with the uproar of a sham battle over the tariff, so that capitalists, corporations, national banks, rings, trusts, watered stock, the demonetization of silver and the oppressions of the usurers may all be lost sight of. They propose to sacrifice our homes, lives, and children on the altar of mammon; to destroy the multitude in order to secure corruption-funds from the millionaires.

“…The newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public opinion silenced, business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the land concentrating in the hands of capitalists. The urban workmen are denied the right to organize for self-protection; imported pauperized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down…The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and the possessors of these, in turn despise the Republic and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes—tramps and millionaires.”

In this study I have focused on the Montana region, though similar vigilante crimes occurred in many parts of the U.S.  The chronicle of hangings in America committed by self-appointed executioners has been reduced largely to a study of the undeniable record of the criminal lynchings of black people.

It’s a censored history which conveys the false impression of white poor people generally exempt from vigilante violence and who, amidst an alleged relationship of remarkable solidarity with plutocrats, supposedly enjoyed paternal solicitude from the white ruling class. As the populists testified and as revisionist history demonstrates, this is a species of absolute imposture.

The legend that black people were the nearly exclusive victims of the noose is intended to misdirect and manipulate black analysis of race relations in the U.S. by viewing those relations through a twisted interstice, rather than advancing knowledge of the larger picture, which is our objective here.

The Cryptocracy’s goal has been to instigate mistrust and resentment between the black and white American proletariat by transforming their legitimate grievances toward government and predatory capitalism (as opposed to a Biblical free enterprise system), into a mutual race hatred which checkmates both races.

In the 21st century I regret to say that the vigilante spirit continues to be at work in Montana and Idaho. For instance, last year in Lewiston, Idaho a killer who committed pre-meditated murder in the first degree was found guilty only of manslaughter, which in Idaho carries a maximum sentence of 15 years. The jurors decided that the killer had a sincere belief that his innocent victim was a child molester (contrary to multiple investigations by family court that cleared the targeted man of the false charge). Consequently, the jurors decided the murderer did not deserve death or a long imprisonment for taking the life of an outstanding Christian father.

I’m in favor of the ancient right of jury nullification to overturn a bad law. The last time I checked however, the law against a planned homicide is not such a statute. I knew the victim and I know his grieving family and friends. A rural Idaho jury concluded that a deluded vigilante from within their own community should receive the minimum possible sentence for taking the life of a father from out of town.

What follows is an expanded version of a study first published in the periodical, Revisionist History.® It will comprise one chapter in my forthcoming book, to be published, God willing, in 2025: “The Ruling Class War Against Poor and Working Class Whites.” The project is reader-funded. By way of assistance, paid subscribers to this column can upgrade to “founding member” or remain paid subscribers through 2025. Thank you.

Lynching White People in Montana

A Politically Incorrect History Rescued from Oblivion

By Michael Hoffman. Copyright©2024 by Independent History and Researc



Friday, 19 January 2024





Dr. David E. Martin talk in the 3rd International Covid Summit European Union May 2023.



Monday, 8 January 2024


Saturday 10 December 2016


 * Note: PDF scan of this newspaper article can be downloaded here


I talked to Hitler

by the Right Honourable David Lloyd George I have just returned from a visit to Germany.

In so short a time one can only form impressions or at least check impressions which years of distant observation through the telescope of the Press and constant inquiry from those who have seen things at a closer range had already made on one's mind.

I have now seen the famous German Leader and also something of the great change he has effected. Whatever one may think of his methods—and they are certainly not

those of a parliamentary country—there can be no doubt that he has achieved a marvelous transformation in the spirit of the people, in their attitude towards each other, and in their social and economic outlook.

He rightly claimed at Nuremberg that in four years his movement has made a new Germany.

It is not the Germany of the first decade that followed the war - broken, dejected, and bowed down with a sense of apprehension and impotence. It is now full of hope and confidence, and of a renewed sense of determination to lead its own life without interference from any influence outside its own frontiers.

There is for the first time since the war a general sense of

security. The people are more cheerful. There is a greater sense of general gaiety of spirit throughout the land. It is a happier Germany. I saw it everywhere, and Englishmen I met during my trip and who knew Germany well were very impressed with the change.

One man has accomplished this miracle. He is a born leader of men. A magnetic, dynamic personality with a single-minded purpose, a resolute will and a dauntless heart.

He is not merely in name but in fact the national Leader. He has made them safe against potential enemies by whom they were surrounded. He is also securing them against that constant dread of starvation, which is one of the poignant memories of the last years of the War and the first years of the Peace. Over 700,000 died of sheer hunger in those dark years. You can still see the effect in the physique of those who were born into that bleak world.

The fact that Hitler has rescued his country from the fear of a repetition of that period of despair, penury and humiliation has given him unchallenged authority in modern Germany.

As to his popularity, especially among the youth of Germany, there can be no manner of doubt. The old trust him; the young idolize him. It is not the admiration accorded to a popular Leader. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country from utter despondency and degradation.

It is true that public criticism of the Government is forbidden in every form. That does not mean that criticism is absent. I have heard the speeches of prominent Nazi orators freely condemned.

But not a word of criticism or of disapproval have I heard of Hitler.

He is as immune from criticism as a king in a monarchical country. He is something more. He is the George Washington of Germany—the man who won for his country independence from all her oppressors.

To those who have not actually seen and sensed the way Hitler reigns over the heart and mind of Germany this description may appear extravagant. All the same, it is the bare truth. This great people will work better, sacrifice more, and, if necessary, fight with greater resolution because Hitler asks them to do so. Those who do not comprehend this central fact cannot judge the present possibilities of modem Germany.

On the other hand, those who imagine that Germany has swung back to its old Imperialist temper cannot have any understanding of the character of the change. The idea of a Germany intimidating Europe with a threat that its irresistible army might march across frontiers forms no part of the new vision.

What Hitler said at Nuremberg is true. The Germans will resist to the death every invader of their own country, but they have no longer the desire themselves to invade any other land.

The leaders of modern Germany know too well that Europe is too formidable a proposition to be overrun and trampled down by any single nation, however powerful may be its armaments. They have learned that lesson in the war.

Hitler fought in the ranks throughout the war, and knows from personal experience what war means. He also knows too well that the odds are even heavier today against an aggressor than they were at that time.

What was then Austria would now be in the main hostile to the ideals of 1914. The Germans are under no illusions about Italy. They also are aware that the Russian Army is in every respect far more efficient than it was in 1914.

The establishment of a German hegemony in Europe which was the aim and dream of the old pre-war militarism, is not even on the horizon of Nazism.

But, as any one who knows war can tell, there is a great difference between a defensive and an offensive armament. On the defensive the arms need not be as powerful and the troops that wield them need not be as numerous or so well trained as in attack. A few selected machine-gunners skilfully hidden and sheltered can hold up a division backed up by shattering artillery.

Germany has constructed strong defensive positions and has, I have no doubt, a sufficient number of trained or rather half-trained men with enough machine-guns and artillery to hold these positions against attack. She has also a very efficient and powerful air fleet.

There is no attempt to conceal these facts. Re-armament proceeds quite openly, and they want it. It accounts for the outburst of defiance hurled against Russia. They feel safe now.

But it will take Germany at least 10 years to build up an army strong enough to face the armies of Russia or France on any soil except her own. There she can fight successfully, because she can choose battlefields which she has carefully prepared and fortified, and she has plenty of men trained sufficiently to defend trenches and concrete emplacements.

But her conscript army is very young - there is a gap of years to fill up in the reserves and particularly in officers. As an offensive army it would take quite 10 years to bring it up to the standard of the great army of 1914.

But any attempt to repeat Poincare's antics in the Rühr would now be met with a fanatical resistance from myriads of brave men who count death for the Fatherland not a sacrifice but a glory.

This is the new temper of the German youth. There is almost a religious fervour about their faith in the movement and its Leader.

That impressed me more than anything I witnessed during my short visit to the new Germany. There was a revivalist atmosphere. It has had an extraordinary effect in unifying the nation.

Catholic and Protestant, Prussian and Bavarian, employer and workman, rich and poor, have been consolidated into one people. Religious, provincial and class origins no longer divide the nation. There is a passion for unity born of dire necessity.

The divisions which followed the collapse of 1918 made Germany impotent to face her problems, internal and external. That is why the clash of rival passions is not only deprecated, but temporarily suppressed.

Public condemnation of the Government is censored as ruthlessly as it is in a state of war. To a Briton accustomed to generations of free speech and a free Press this restraint on liberty is repellent, but in Germany, where such freedom is not as deeply rooted as it is here, the nation acquiesces not because it is afraid to protest, but because it has suffered so much from dissension that the vast majority think it must be temporarily called off at all costs.

Freedom of criticism, is therefore for the time being in suspense. German unity is the ideal and the idol of the moment, and not liberty.

I found everywhere a fierce and uncompromising hostility to Russian Bolshevism, coupled with a genuine admiration for the British people with a profound desire for a better and friendlier understanding with them.

The Germans have definitely made up their minds never to quarrel with us again. Nor have they any vindictive feelings towards the French. They have altogether put out of their minds any desire for the restoration of Alsace-Lorraine.

But there is a real hatred and fear of Russian Bolshevism, and unfortunately it is growing in intensity. It constitutes the driving force of their international and military policy. Their private and public talk is full of it. Wherever you go you need not wait long before you hear the word "Bolschewismus," and it recurs again and again with a wearying reiteration.

Their eyes are concentrated on the East as if they were watching intently for the breaking of the day of wrath. Against this they are preparing with German thoroughness.

This fear is not put on. High and low they are convinced there is every reason for apprehension. They have a dread of the great army which has been built up in Russia in recent years.

An exceptionally violent anti-German campaign of abuse printed in the Russian official Press and propelled by the official Moscow radio has revived the suspicion in Germany that the Soviet Government are contemplating mischief against the Fatherland.

Unfortunately the German leaders set this down to the influence of prominent Russian Jews, and thus the anti-Jewish sentiment is being once more stirred up just as it was fading into turpitude. The German temperament takes no more delight in persecution than does the Briton, and the native good humor of the German people soon relapses into tolerance after a display of ill-temper.

Every well-wisher of Germany— and I count myself among them— earnestly pray that Goebbels's ranting speeches will not provoke another anti-Jewish manifestation. It would do much to wither the verdant blades of good will which were growing so healthily in the scorched battleground which once separated great civilized nations.

But we should do wisely not to attach extravagant importance to recent outbursts against Russia. The fact of the matter is, the German Government in its relations with Russia is now in the stage from which we ourselves have only just emerged.

We can all recall the time when Moscow, through its official publications, Press and radio, made atrocious personal attacks on individual British Ministers—Austen Chamberlain, Ramsay MacDonald and Churchill—and denounced our political and economic system as organized slavery.

We started this campaign of calumny by stigmatizing their leaders as assassins, their economic system as brigandage, their social and religious attitude and behavior as an orgy of immorality and atheism.

This has been the common form of diplomatic relationship between Communist Russia and the rest of the world on both sides. We must not forget that even when we had a Russian Minister here we actually sent the police to raid one of the official buildings of the Russian Embassy to rummage for treason in their hampers of frozen butter.

No one imagined that was intended as a preliminary or a provocation to war on either side. The slinging of scurrilities between Germany and Russia is only the usual language of diplomacy to which all countries have been accustomed during the last 20 years where Communist Russia is concerned.

It is important we should realize for the sake of our peace of mind that a repetition of this unseemly slanging match does not in the least portend war. Germany is no more ready to invade Russia than she is for a military expedition to the moon.

What then did the Führer mean when he contrasted the rich but under-cultivated lands of the Ukraine and Siberia and the inexhaustible mineral resources of the Urals with the poverty of German soil? It was simply a Nazi retort to the accusation hurled by the Soviets as to the miseries of the peasantry and workers of Germany under Nazi rule.

Hitler replied by taunting the Soviets with the wretched use they were making of the enormous resources of their own country. In comparison with the Nazi achievement in the land whose natural wealth was relatively poor.

He and his followers have a horror of Bolshevism and undoubtedly underrate the great things the Soviets have accomplished in their vast country. The Bolsheviks retaliate by understating Hitler's services to Germany.

It is only an interchange of abusive amenities between two authoritarian Governments. But it does not mean war between them.

I have no space in which to give a catalogue of the schemes which are being carried through to develop the resources of Germany and to improve the conditions of life for her people. They are immense and they are successful.

I would only wish to say here that I am more convinced than ever,

that the free country to which I have returned is capable of achieving greater things in that direction if its rulers would only pluck up courage and set their minds boldly to the task.

MIKE KING : The Myth of "Nazi-Looted Art"

By Mike King


Starring George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett - directed by George Clooney.
Based on the true story, The Monuments Men is an action-thriller focusing on a World War II platoon, tasked by FDR with going into Germany to rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves.
It would be an impossible mission: with the art trapped behind enemy lines, and with the Germans under orders to destroy everything as the Reich fell. The Monuments Men found themselves in a race against time to avoid the destruction of 1000 years of culture -- risking their lives to protect mankind's greatest achievements."

The REAL Story of "Nazi Looted Art"

ART PROTECTION DURING WORLD WAR I Under Kaiser Wilhelm II during World War I, the highly cultured Germans go to great lengths to protect and preserve artworks located in enemy territory or near a zone of combat. The German word to describe this principal of saving Europe's cultural and artistic treasures during wartime is "Kunstschutz" (art protection)
1. Kaiser Wilhelm tried to avert the war which was forced upon Germany. Even while winning the war, the Kaiser held out an olive branch to the Allies, while his Kunstschutz units protected artworks belonging to enemy nations. / 2. "Art Protection in War"
At the end of World War I, rescued artworks are returned voluntarily. Unlike World War II, anti-German propaganda actually fades away following World War I. As a result, Germany is later praised for "Kunstschutz" / art protection during "The Great War".
World War I was very destructive. Thanks to Germany, many works of art located in Belgium and France were saved. 
A talented painter himself, Adolf Hitler has a great appreciation for art and culture. He sees Churchill and FDR as uncultured barbarians with merciless disregard for innocent life, architecture, and works of art. As the Germans under Kaiser Wilhelm II had done during World War I, Hitler too orders the protection of artworks throughout the combat theatres of Western and Eastern Europe. "Again and again I uttered these warnings against this specific type of aerial warfare, and I did so for over three and a half months. That these warnings failed to impress Mr. Churchill does not surprise me in the least. For what does this man care for the lives of others? What does he care for culture or for architecture?" -- Adolf Hitler
Churchill the degenerate Barbarian // Hitler the cultured gentleman (with Norwegian figure skater Sonja Henning) // A Painting By Adolf Hitler 
The task of protecting the art of Europe is handed over to Air Force Marshal Hermann Goring. As Allied terror bombing ravages Europe, thousands of paintings and sculptures from Italy, France, Belgium, Russia, Romania, and Poland are gathered and meticulously inventoried by the Germans. This process only began in the fall of 1943. Had the Germans wanted to "loot" the art of Europe, they could easily have done so in 1940, 1941, 1942, and the first 9 months of 1943. It was only after Allied carpet bombardment was unleashed upon Italy (later on France), and the Soviets began advancing from the East, that the German began gathering up the artwork.
As men of culture, Hitler and Goring placed high priority on art protection. Rescued from Naples: 'Danaë' by Titian (l) and "The Blind Leading The Blind" by Pieter Bruegel 
Hitler respects ancient Rome as one of the cultural pillars of Europe. As the Americans and British approach Rome from the South, Hitler orders his troops to evacuate. Knowing that an Allied air and ground attack would destroy many of its cultural icons, The “Eternal City” is left open for the Allies to march in uncontested. Hitler’s decision to leave Rome as an undefended "Open City" saves the great city from ruin. Athens and Florence are also declared Open Cities.
Hitler's voluntary evacuation spared Rome and its cultural wonders from the "collateral damage" of the merciless barbarian Allies. 
Irony of irony! Barbaric American looting of Europe includes the taking of personal possessions, livestock, women, and works of art. In the East, it’s not even necessary to speak about the wholesale looting and ghastly gang raping carried out by the Red Army. Again in 2003, the U.S. occupiers of Iraq deliberately stood down as barbarians and professional thieves looted the priceless cultural treasures of that unfortunate nation.
Much of the stuff the Allies stole has never been returned. During the Iraq war, U.S. surrogates systematically looted the ancient treasures of the Baghdad Museum. 
After the war, the American Art Looting Investigation Unit (ALIU) of the heavily Jewish Office of Strategic Services (OSS) issues 13 reports on the German plundering of art. By the way, this is the same OSS whose other “findings” accuse the Germans of using the bodies of dead Jews to make “shrunken heads”, “lamp shades” and “bars of soap” - allegations which are today universally acknowledged to have been false.
The OSS is the forerunner to the CIA.
The "Cloak & Dagger" Logo of the OSS says it all! An Agency whose stated purpose involves strategic deception and propaganda crafted the "looted art" lie. The mass-murderer Eisenhower (shown examining "looted art") also helped to sell the post war lie.
In the months, years, and decades following the war, endlessly repeated propaganda has elevated the OSS-CIA fable of “looted Nazi art” into a virtual reality in the minds of the brainwashed public. However, as is the case with so many other elements of the “official story" of World War II, this too is a lie.
Blah blah blah... Blah blah blah... Blah blah blah...

Source: Daily Express, September 17, 1936, pp. 12-17

Note: PDF scan of this newspaper article can be downloaded here