Friday, 29 April 2022

Chloé Frammery, Comment Protéger Nos Enfants - A Money Mafia is damaging our children’s education.


A Money Mafia of mi-bi-tri-zillionaires is damaging our children’s education


Saturday 30 April 2022 @ 03:00 am


I just woke up thinking how a Money Mafia of mi-bi-tri-zillionaires is damaging our children’s education with their parents’ consent obtained through State Terror, Fascism and Tyranny under a Totalitarian Godless Government System led by the United Nations Dictatorship Organisation (UNDO) that also brought us the fake engineered Covid-19 pandemic, bio-weapon vaccines, and the Climate Change hoax, and all the wars and false flags we see in the world engineered by their own War Council Dictatorship that would embargo, starve and bomb any country that wants to free itself.      


On the surface, we all wanted or want the Earth to be a better place for all of us, humans and non humans, a free, just and moral world for young and old, rich or poor,  but we all seem to agree on too few things and disagree on too many things, even fight each other making this earth uninhabitable for peace-loving and peaceful people, but only for a perverted Elite of 1% that owns almost everything and enslaves the rest of us, killing as many as the feel the need to of our defenceless men, women, children, babies, including the unborn, and perverting our cultures and ways of life with little or no hope of redress, God having failed us, not Him personally, but those who claim to believe in Him, endlessly preaching His Wisdom and Guidance, but rarely doing His Will!

The ones freedom-loving experts or thinkers enjoy labelling as psychopaths and monsters, have proven their utter incompetence with the help of all their Gods of Love, Mercy and Justice, against the One Omnipotent, Omniscient and Merciless God of that Élite: MONEY!  To obtain all the wealth of the Earth or most of it, they had to set up the most powerful armies of drug addicts, perverts, lunatics, assassins, torturers, rapists, plunderers, liars, and inhuman creatures of all human history


Yes, fighters, thinkers, writers, and intellectuals like myself, Malcom X, Pr. Roger Garaudy, Alain Soral, Kalim Siddiqui, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson, Sheikh Imran Nazar Hussein, Eddie Redzovic, Sheikh Yusuf Estes, “Jordan Maxwell”, David Icke, Dr. Kevin Barrett, Yussef Hindi, “Sarah Markus”, Pr. Richard Dawkins, Dr. Vernon Coleman, Dr. Rashid Buttar, even comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala...and thousands other fighters (Truth and Freedom “Jihaadists”) whose paths have crossed mine for the past 60 years have been and are all involved in such a “Jihaad” with the Devil popping his head every now and then.  


When I tried one hundred times to warn my two older granddaughters, I saw it was useless; they were far gone and damaged.  So, the best solution was to leave them alone as they are not under my care anymore, their parents’ divorce having damaged them further.  They are so addicted with the trend that I am sure that on leaving school they will find it hard or even impossible to think straight, do any simple arithmetic calculations without a calculating machine or even read or write fluently and meaningfully as they have banned all religion, philosophy, poetry and human dialogue, at least with me who educated them as children, and took care of them day and night when they were at home.  I would never sleep before 4 am to make sure they were all right.  I did the same with my third youngest one after the divorce for nearly five years when she stayed over at my attic flat.


I was and am defenceless against the criminal behaviours of doctors and teachers with the mad but planned lockdowns and muzzling of young and old that had nothing to do with our health, but everything to do with damaging our health, depriving us of healthy health care, and getting rid of our most vulnerable ones, including unborn and born babies.  The World Government had unleashed their killing and controlling machines on us all while the Money Monopolists travel in their yachts and private planes or get preferential treatments on public transport services!   As a former student of medicine, I saw the damages the West was doing by engineering mental health problems that even killed my father slowly with so-called tranquilizers and anti-depressants for no mental health problem at all!  It was my diagnosis when I saw him in 1968 after my scholarship was cancelled for political reasons and because my eldest sister refused to have sex with her boss, the leader of the Labour Trade Union famous for having sex with his entire female staff.   One of them was my friend in Moscow in 1964-1965.


When I was back in 1968 and into teaching science and mainly Biology, I was a staunch anti-psychiatrist, and I despised Sigismund Freud, that sexual pervert, and against  the public school system education.  Now, I was horrified to see the Corporate Drug Trafficking State (like all IMF run States!) damaging our school children with tens of thousands of acquiescing parents, teachers, head teachers, and no public institution to protect them from the crime of child abuse, and in many cases of even murder!  Forced lockdowns, quarantines, and masking damaged and even killed many!  This is clearly State Terrorism!  In 1997-98, I was referred to a very young Jewish woman psychiatrist locally because I became a victim of the Law after my wife kicked both father and son out of our home and business, and stole all our assets. When the lady heard my very first words, we both sat down and discussed about world matters for nearly one hour. Before I left, she gave me her “psychiatric” report to be handed to the local government mafia saying: Mr Soormally is all right; he just needs a decent place to live!  I was 52 years old and very fit.  I do not smoke, drink alcohol, gamble or visit brothels.     


With my own grandchildren, as well as with others, I have seen how the Fort Dietric, Beth Israel, Institut Pasteur, and Wuhan laboratories have engineered biological weapons to destroy the lives of our children and damage their biological and mental developments.  Is it just a coincidence that Bill Gates was never arrested for questioning?  None of those behind Big Pharma and WHO has been prosecuted for crimes against humanity proving again that we are living under a World Totalitarian System under the same Elite of criminals.  The Jewish Prophets Bill Gates, Jacques Attali, and many Rabbis predicted the pandemic, and promised worse to come, a war between 1,8 billion Muslims and 1-2 billion Christians that will genocide both!  Apartheid Israel will be the sole victor with a Jewish World Government in Jerusalem.


Our children are already brainwashed with LHBTQ+, Transgender, Holocaust, and other garbage of the kind that we should expect our future generations not only to be industrial A.I. creatures, but no intelligence will ever be required from them as they will be brainless and incapable of thought or reasoning.  They have already been severely damaged by being deprived of empathy for their own species.  From yesterday’s slaves, indentured servants, civil servants, they will have evolved into self-operating drones or controlled by their billionaires masters forever!  




OFQM #4 - Comment protéger nos enfants de toutes ces folies ?

August 5, 2023

  • 4ème épisode de On Fait Quoi Maintenant ?
    Avec Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur et Senta Depuydt

    L'imposture des droits sexuels des enfants, l'absence d'un futur ouvert (menace fictive de la fin de l'humanité à cause du climat, à cause des pandémies, à cause des krachs financiers, etc.), l'augmentation des maladies chroniques et la baisse de l'espérance de vie à cause des vaccins pédiatriques, le transgenrisme, la culture WOKE, la pédo-criminalité et sa facilitation à travers les programmes d'éducation à la sexualité, les projets du Common Core aux États-Unis pour l'éducation ou endoctrinement des enfants, les traumatismes divers liés aux mesures sanitaires avec augmentation du taux de suicides, comment protéger nos enfants de tous ces traumatismes induits par la folie des hommes ?

    👉 Canal Telegram de On fait quoi Maintenant ?

    👉 Les épisodes précédents de OFQM :

    • OFQM #1 - Illégitimité du système
    • OFQM #2 - Souveraineté monétaire
    • OFQM #3 - La santé

    Droits sexuels, éducation sexuelle
    • Ma conférence du 31 mars 2023 sur les Standards de l'OMS pour l'éducation sexuelle en Europe (avec sources) :

    • Document « Standards de l’OMS pour l’éducation sexuelle en Europe (2010) »
    • L’éducation à la sexualité en Belgique (selon le programme EVRAS) pédocriminalité
    • Affaire Dutroux
    LIVE d’Alexis Cossette de fin juillet 2023 :
    Partie 1 :
    Partie 2 :
    PV des audiences, sur Wikileaks (voir p.1073-1075, p.1223-1229) :
    • Affaire Epstein, juillet 2019
    Les carnets noirs de Epstein :
    • Film Sound of Freedom, sorti le 4 juillet 2023 au USA
    • Les principes de l'ONU adoptés le 8 mars 2023 pour décriminaliser les relations sexuelles entre adultes et mineurs vaccins
    • Documentaire VAXXED (effets du vaccin ROR, autisme)
    • Documentaire VAXXED 2 (effets du vaccin contre le HPV - papillomavirus)
    • Reportage sur les effets du Gardasil (vaccin HPV de Merck, sur France 5)
    • Ma vidéo sur les vaccins anti-fertilité signés Rockefeller (avec sources)
    • Vaccins infantiles et taux de mortalité :!Le Common Core (éducation standardisée)
    • Présentation de JJ Crèvecoeur dans l'Info en Questions #83
    • Page Wikipedia sur les standards du Common Core
    Le Common Core est financé par les gouverneurs et chefs d'état, avec l'aide complémentaire de la, Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates, la société Pearson Publishing, la Fondation Charles Stewart Mott, et autres. solutions
    • Lettre de Senta, actions à prendre contre l'éducation sexuelle :
    • Envoyer un mail pour demander des flyers :