My Blog or somebody is preventing me from posting new material??? So, I posted it here!
Tuesday 6 July 2021
So, they are planning to give experimental, not fully tested, temporarily approved covid-19 experimental `vaccines’ to children without obtaining parental permission.
Have I slipped into a time warp? Where are we now in history? Germany in 1939? Russia a decade or two earlier? The Middle Ages?
This is scarcely believable child abuse. It’s assault.
`Don’t trust people in cars who offer you sweets. Don’t trust people with syringes who offer you jabs.’
Legions of independent doctors around the world say it isn’t safe to
give these dangerous, toxic jabs to children who have very little risk
of catching covid-19 – let alone dying of it. I suspect that the few
doctors promoting this scheme are largely those who, one way or another,
stand to make money out of it.
The doubters point out that governments admit that the jabs don’t stop
children, or anyone else getting a disease now accepted as nothing more
than an over-marketed flu, and don’t stop them spreading it even if they
catch it.
A few days ago even the World Health Organisation (not a body I usually
regard with much affection or respect) said that it wasn’t safe to give
the covid-19 jab to children. It is, of course, necessary to give them
the jab because children have strong immune systems which protect them.
And then, to my great shock, they suddenly went into reverse and announced that children could be given the stuff after all.
Golly, that was a surprise.
One of the most enthusiastic promoters of the covid jab for children is a
contemptible woman called Devi Sridhar, an academic, who is I suspect
no more a medical doctor than my chair. She has an accuracy record which
makes Neil Ferguson look good and she is, in my opinion, one of the
most dangerous woman on planet earth. She makes the evil queen in Snow
White look benevolent and warm-hearted and if she sues me for libel
she’ll have to stand up in court and decide whether she lied because she
is stupid or she lied because she was pleasing the cabal which is
forcing an unnecessary, experimental vaccine on seven billion people
without ever testing it properly.
Has she ever prescribed an antibiotic, sewn up a cut arm or comforted parents whose child has just suddenly died?
I suspect not.
I recently exposed Sridhar’s indefensible claims about the covid-19
terror jab in a video entitled `Lies on the BBC will Result in Children
The BBC published a weedy correction which was seen by two men and a dog
but I saw no apology from Sridhar and she wasn’t mentioned by the BBC
in their probably mostly unseen note.
Extraordinarily, even after being exposed as either knowing as much
about medicine as a six week old slug or being prepared deliberately to
lie in order to delight the evil cabal, Sridhar is still listed as an
advisor on covid-19 to the Scottish Government. She’s a professor at
Edinburgh University and a columnist on The Guardian.
Now the Scottish Government has done some bad things in its time but
have they ever done anything less explicable than hire Sridhar as an
advisor? I’d vote for digging up Myra Hindley and appointing her. Better
still, Rose West is still alive and just as suitable for the post as
Devi Sridhar. Children would be safer with either of those than they are
with Devi Sridhar around.
Sridhar may know something about something but who certainly doesn’t
know enough about medicine to fill the tip of a needle originally said
that the jab was 100% safe for children.
That, of course, was blatant gibberish and Sridhar has now slightly amended her original claim.
The latest garbage to dribble from her lips is that no child has died as a result of the vaccine.
She also claims that although there may be some side effects they are
treatable. (Thanks to Daily Expose for picking the video up from Channel
Myocarditis? Pericarditis? Just treatable? They can kill. And even when
they don’t kill they can turn a once healthy child into an invalid. They
may need a heart transplant.
You don’t just rub some cream on, Sridhar, or give them a spoonful of
green syrup. They can die. Or they may need a heart transplant.
Treatable, she says. Have you ever seen a child struggling to breathe?
Have you ever seen a children’s ward for heart patients? Treatable, she
What Sridhar obviously doesn’t bother to know is that the American
government, her government, publishes regular accounts of the number of
people killed or injured by the covid-19 jabs. They do it for all
vaccines but no other so-called vaccine would be on the market if it
were as deadly as the one she promotes with such enthusiasm. The British
Government does the same, of course.
I’ve got here details of the covid-19 jabs in America.
President Biden’s government says that six children under the age of 17
have already died and 17 have been disabled and 361 have been
Let me give you some details which I sincerely hope everyone will feel
the need to share with Sridhar, the Scottish Government and everyone
they know who is breathing and has a pulse.
(The details of individual children who died or were injured by the
covid-19 vaccine were read out here – taken from the VAERS website. For
details of deaths and injuries please see the constantly updated entry
`Updated – how many people are the vaccines killing’ on this website.)
And remember the official feeling is that the number of reports are less
than 1% of the total. The real number of children killed or damaged by
the covid-19 jabs will be much, much higher. And when healthy children
suddenly fall ill within hours of any vaccination it is disingenuous to
claim it is a coincidence.
We are left with a number of questions.
How many more lies is Sridhar going to tell? Did she attend the Tony
Blair school of telling lies without looking embarrassed? Who listens to
them? Why does she receive so much publicity? How many children will
die or be seriously injured as a result of her statements? Is Devi
Sridhar the most evil woman alive? And why is she still advising the
Scottish Government on a subject about which she appears to know far
less than my chair?
Preparing the script for this short video made me sadder and crosser
than I think I’ve ever been. I’ve never met this woman, thank heavens,
but even writing about her makes me feel as though I have been in
contact with pure evil. I have rarely come across anyone for whom I feel
such total contempt. This isn’t a game. This isn’t an academic
exercise. We’re talking about a programme which will lead to some
children dying and others being disabled for life. Is Sridhar a
reincarnation of Myra Hindley?
Send this video to people. Show it to school teachers, doctors, nurses,
policemen, relatives, neighbours – everyone. Send it to Edinburgh
University, the Scottish Government, the BBC, Channel 4 and The Guardian.
Copyright Vernon Coleman July 2021
If you want to know about the history of vaccination please read Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: here’s the proof by Vernon Coleman.
Health news and tips
Vernon Coleman's videos can be found on Brand New Tube
Here is the PROOF that covid-19 was downgraded in March 2020
UPDATED 3rd July - How many people are the vaccines killing?
The Transcripts of Vernon Coleman's Banned YouTube Videos
Vernon's videos can now be found on Brand New Tube
FREE PDF of Vernon Coleman's banned book called, 'Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History'
NEW! Free PDF of Vernon Coleman's latest book called, 'Covid-19: The Fraud Continues'
How many children will die because of this woman?
Free PDF of Vernon Coleman's latest book, 'Covid-19: The Fraud Continues'
These ten things will happen next as the conspirators tighten the screw
UPDATED 3rd July - How many are the vaccines killing?
Coleman's 2nd law of medicine: tests are useless unless the results will affect your treatment
When will they shut down the internet?
Free blood clots with every covid jab
Coleman's first law of medicine
Most mask wearers will be dead or demented in ten years
There is no such thing as minor surgery

Debbie Hicks, Cirencester Magistrates Court
Dr Vernon Coleman
On Monday 12th July, Debbie Hicks will appear at Cirencester Magistrates court charged, under the Public Order Act, for `filming an empty Gloucester hospital’. Debbie is apparently being charged with the criminal offence of harassment.
If we are going to win this war, we have to stand together to defend our right to share the truth in every way we can.
Taking journalists to court is, of course, a tactic commonly used by tyrannical regimes around the world.
If you can get to Cirencester Magistrate’s Court, the Forum, Cirencester on July 12th I’m sure Debbie and her supporters will be delighted to see you there.
Copyright Vernon Coleman July 2021