Wednesday 18 September 2024

Małgorzata Skrobut - Margaret - My love, Mishkou, I love strongly I wish to be in your arms, close to your heart.


“Beloved Bash.


My love, Mishkou, I love you and it is very painful for me when you are far away.  I wish so much I was with you; far from decreasing my feelings are getting stronger.  You cannot imagine how strongly I wish to be in your arms, close to your heart.  When I shall come with the baby, I want to see you strong and in good health like a real father.  Tell, me, what would you like, a daughter or a son?  

I want to have this baby so much.  I now feel that my life without it will be worth nothing.

Take care of yourself Mishinkou.


 I kiss you very strongly.

I love you.


Your Margoshia.

Warsaw 8 April 1981”


The ‘uncle’ of my Polish wife (before God!)  Małgorzata Skrobut, one Kouyoumdjian, and many other Lebanese Armenians (Costanian, Bakalian, etc.) were once my clients at the Windsor Hotel in Paris.   I learned many more things from some of them about what Christian Armenians owed to Muslims and Arabs in general, but today because of the Zionist and Crypto-Jewish takeover of the Christian countries, the Westerners have been indoctrinated into hating Muslims and Arabs, and putting the blame of the Armenian Holocaust on the Turkish Muslims instead of on the Jews and Crypto-Jews under the Crypto-Jew, homosexual and alcoholic dictator Mustafa of Salonika (he added Kemal to his name later on) who, in 1908, helped by his Jewish Freemason Brother Djavid Bey of Salonika, led an armed revolt against Abdul Hamid II and his cohort of 16 or so wives (?), and took over the decadent Khilâfah (not Islamic at all anymore!) which was heavily indebted to Jewish usurious bankers, deposed him in 1910 and sent him to the Ottoman Jewish Paradise of Salonika from which came Nicolas Sarkozy’s Jewish or Crypto-Jewish ancestors.  By the way, Małgorzata who was then a student in Paris was kicked out of France by the Russian Jewish (?) Police Prefect of Paris in 1981 (while the Jewish French media was shedding crocodile tears daily about the sufferings of the Polish people!).  She was carrying our baby!  Those damned French Jews!

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